I didn't realise trying for a baby was like asking for the moon on a stick. Infertility and all that jazz.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Wordpress move

Just in case anyone missed my last post I wanted to tell you the reason things are quiet round here is because I have moved to wordpress.....


Friday, 1 February 2013

Jumping Ship

via Etsy
The lovely Jenny at Sprout has inspired me. I am jumping ship on blogger and heading over to wordpress. I want to be able to share photos of my life with you but I am only comfortable doing that on private posts. I do so very much hope you will all hop on over and join me. It will mean, I hope, that I can open up a little more than I feel comfortable doing currently. I do apologise for you all having to chase me round and round. I plan on staying in my next spot for good!!! 

My new blog address is: http://themoononastickplease.wordpress.com/ I am afraid it is not quite as pretty as this one, but we can work on that! 

I will put a reminder here the first few times I post on the new blog just in case someone misses this. 

On to the next adventure........