I didn't realise trying for a baby was like asking for the moon on a stick. Infertility and all that jazz.

Monday, 24 December 2012

Merry Christmas!

Posting from phone so I will be brief. I don't have time to blog properly but I wanted to update you.

Firstly, a very merry Christmas to you all. I have a million posts on my Christmas prep for you in the new year.

Secondly we had our funding letter from the NHS this morning. Basically they have agreed our funding BUT they won't release the funds until at least four months from now at which point we will still have to wait for an appointment with the clinic and then wait for my cycle. So it could be six months.

We have decided to pay privately and get things moving much sooner. Like next month.

I will blog about my feelings and emotions around this soon. Surface to say it was not a letter I particularly wanted on Christmas eve. However, now the decision has been made I am going to allow myself to get excited. Things are going to happen, and soon, anxious we will be paying so they will have to treat us nicely.

Have a wonderful Christmas my wonderful friends. I am thinking of you all x x x


  1. It stinks you have to wait, but 6 months will fly by!! Merry Christmas! Xoxo

  2. I don't blame you for choosing to pay privately to get moving sooner. The amount of time you've had to wait for your funding and now for treatment is ridiculous.

    Have a very merry Christmas!

  3. I would also choose to pay rather than wait. There is enough waiting in IF already. I guess the NHS doesn't get that we don't have an indefinite amount of time to get pregnant.
    Merry christmas to you!

  4. I'm sorry you didn't get the greatest news for Christmas, but excited for you to finally move forward! Merry Christmas!

  5. How frustrating. But can completely sympathise with your need to move on quicker. Best of luck.

  6. Oh I am sorry about that letter, but definitely, get excited for your decision to move forward right away. And here we were... I had a delay in my period for 5 days (which is very unusual) so I thought our 2nd IUI had worked, but here we go, starting over again, but full of hope as well.
    I hope this all will be over soon.

  7. Merry Christmas!! I'm sorry to hear about the funding stuff :-( I think it's a great decision to move forward! I'm so hopeful and excited for you! xoxo

  8. So sorry to hear about the funding and the bad timing of the news, but excited that you've made a decision to move forward much sooner. May 2013 bring you all you hope for!

  9. Merry Christmas, Luna! I hope 2013 will be your year!!

  10. Congrats on the funding... whenever it may come into effect... how much does IUI cost you guys there? Here in Australia we get automatic government coverage of some of the cost, mine cost $1500 per IUI without private insurance and now IVF will cost about $2700 per cycle... not as bad as other countries, but I feel like instead of opening my wallet next time just handing over the title to my house...

  11. That is lame. But I am glad you are deciding to move forward on your own. I wish you the very best of luck and will be following along the way!

    Happy Holidays!

  12. YAY! for funding...boo for paying privately....I hope it works out for you no matter what!!! Merry Christmas...even if I'm a little late!


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